Tuesday, June 26, 2012

DIY Shoe Box

Ok, this is my son's preferred shoe storage location. Nice huh...in the dining room. I set out to change this into something he would USE and be PRETTY. So this is what it turned into!
Nice huh! I think so. And it was really easy and I had everything I needed without leaving the house! YES!!!!! So get a box, something like this and cut off the top flaps.
See the cooper to the left, I made a camper for the weathervane! I'll post when I'm done with it. Next as I don't have the patience for paint to dry, I duct taped the inside. As it will be covered with shoes, you don't have to go for perfection! I also covered over the exposed rough edge left from cutting the flaps off.
Nifty, and done in like 15 minutes....now moving on to cover the outside with fabric. And see honey, I'm using this fabric I got 10 years ago!!!!! Cut fabric and iron under both raw edges. Heat up the glue gun and apply to outside. I didn't go up to the top, because my SON will be shoving his shoes in and out of it! One less thing to get dinged up!
I ran the hot glue and stuck the fabric to it all around the top, then moved to do the same thing to the bottom. Like so...
See it's not even pretty...who cares, it is going to be the BOTTOM. And to finish it up so it slides nicely I added more duct tape to cover the fabric like so.
Now I added some twine I found in the garage with more hot glue around the top and the bottom.
I tacked it at the corners and one place in the center. Don't go to crazy with the hot glue or you'll have to deal with all the cobwebs it creates. So ta da!

And least he forget, I got creative with the twine! Hopefully peace and contained shoes shall rein!

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